Our offerings provide opportunities to reflect together on our concerns about our economy, and action we can take to grow hopeful movements. This can feel hard and overwhelming, but we can be strengthened in this important work by reflecting on our values, and exploring the way these values lead us and others to action.

We offer:

Practices and resources that help ground us in values that can inspire and sustain us: connection and gratitude.

Workshops will open with a minute of silence, which honors the great diversity of ways people connect to a positive, bigger force, and with sharing about gratitude.

Reflections on caring for all:

Information and inspiration from Global Movements that Call for Care for All



Inspiration from Br. David Steindl-Rast

Mary Oliver poem


Practice mindfulness – Resources from Thich Nhat Hanh

Take time for silent contemplation, meditation or prayer

Enjoy time in nature

  • Check out the preserves and trails at local land trusts